By using 2SLGBTQI+, we mean: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans (or trans-identified) and queer. We choose to use 2SLGBTQI+ to include the part of the community that is intersex (I), two-spirited (2S), asexual (A), non-binary, and all those who are somewhere along the continuum of diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
Also included in this continuum are gender fluidity, pansexuals, panromantics, aromantics, demisexuals, graysexuals.
The LGBTQ+ community is very diverse and richer because of its diversity. It includes individuals of all ages, sexual orientations and gender identities. It is a community that is recognized for the wide variety of often complex identities that its members must acknowledge and accept at some point in their lives. Some people have always known who they are and live their life as they choose.
Others embark on a challenging personal journey and have to navigate the complexities of their truths. Eventually, all have to face their very own reality in one way or another.
Unfortunately, (nearly) all members of the LGBTQ+ population will experience some kind of stigmatization (e.g. bullying, harassment, discrimination, micro-aggressions) at some point in their life.
Other factors can come into play and adversely affect the LGBTQ+ community: gender, age, appearance, language, religion, marital status, social status, illness, disability, race, colour, and indigenous, ethnic or national origin. Indeed, any of these additional factors can contribute to making life even more difficult and compound the challenges of being LGBTQ+.
Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity are also specific to life experiences and often relate to age. Here you can find information relevant to the needs that arise at various points in life, such as coming out, transitioning, starting a family, or accessing services for seniors.
© Copyright 2025 Groupe LGBTQ + alliés de Prescott-Russell LGBTQ + Allies Group. All rights reserved.